Coping with Grief Through Christian Counseling

Coping with Grief Through Christian Counseling

I often receive phone calls and emails from perspective clients interested in exploring Christian counseling and what that might entail.

As a licensed professional counselor I offer a wide variety of treatment options, including Christian counseling for those interested in integrating his or her faith into their counseling experience.

Additionally, I offer traditional psychotherapy treatment for individuals not interested in a faith-based perspective.

My ultimate goal is to offer support and respect every clients beliefs, values and interests.

I’ve Recently Experienced a Loss. How Might Christian Counseling Help Me?

Life often showers us with wonderful blessings in the form of family, good friends, and joyous fun! But at some point in our lives, most of us will also be affected by loss and grief.

During these times, it can be immensely helpful to receive help and guidance from a trained and trusted therapist.

But there are many Christians who wonder and worry if working with a therapist will somehow go against their religious beliefs, or if the therapist will eschew those beliefs. This is never a concern when working with a Christian counselor.

Christian counselors understand firsthand that when dealing with the loss of a loved one, a job loss, divorce, or a health crisis, a strong and resilient faith is the VERY THING that can get you through the darkness and back into the light.

What is Christian Counseling Exactly?

Christian counseling combines an individual’s faith with the traditional principles of psychology, with the ultimate goal of improving the individual’s mental health and interpersonal relationships.

Christian counselors often use scripture, biblical teachings and principles to help their clients deal with the challenges they are facing.

What are the Main Differences and Similarities Between Christian Counseling and Secular Counseling?

Perhaps one of the biggest differences between the two types of counseling is that Christian counselors use a wide variety of tools and resources such as prayer, Bible study, and affirmations to help their clients deal with grief.

In addition, Christian counselors will assist the client in exploring their relationship with God.

Christian counselors also take more of a holistic approach to mental health, understanding that your spiritual health is directly linked to your mental health and emotional well-being.

Similarly to secular counseling, Christian counselors use evidenced based practices such as cognitive behavioral therapy to enhance treatment outcomes.

If you or someone you know is suffering from grief or a recent loss and would like to work with a Christian counselor, please be in touch with me. If you are interested in integrating your Christian faith into your counseling experience, please contact me.


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