A New season…A New You!


A New season…A New You!


Spring is in the air! The days are growing longer, birds are nesting, and flowers are blooming. So, what about you? Are you blooming where you are planted? Sometimes we can’t choose the cards we’ve been dealt, but we can learn to play them. Just as flowers blooms in difficult terrain, sometimes we have to make the best of our...[ read more ]


Very recently I saw a billboard with a picture of a swimsuit model and a caption that read ‘Mommy Makeover’. In that moment I paused and thought about the true meaning of change. Quite often media portrayals of women focus on external beauty and shape how we think, act and feel about ourselves and the world around us. Don’t get...[ read more ]

The Transformative Power of Gratitude

Several years ago, a friend introduced me to a novel idea that would eventually change my life – A Gratitude Practice. I was told that incorporating a daily ritual of reflecting upon what I am grateful for would transform my perspective about my life and the world we live in. Of course I was not a believer. And like myself,...[ read more ]

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