How to Manage Rumination


How to Manage Rumination

What is Rumination: Rumination involves repetitively thinking about negative experiences that can be difficult to stop. Some people replay events that occurred in the past while others worry about situations that could potentially occur in the future. Rumination often causes people to feel anxious, stressed, and depressed and makes it difficult for them to think, process their emotions, and sleep....[ read more ]

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented talk therapy that typically ranges between eight to twenty sessions. Mental health professionals, including myself, use it to treat or manage mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety as well as emotional concerns, including stress or grief. It is one of the most common and researched forms of psychotherapy. Research indicates...[ read more ]

Embracing Joy

2023 and the pursuit of joy! This year I have decided to invite more joy into my life. This is not an easy feat considering the innumerable stressors we face each new waking day; However, I believe it is necessary to look for joy in spite of the difficulties we may encounter. Joy is a choice and we must be...[ read more ]

How Low Self-Esteem Affects Your Mental Health

Struggling with low self-esteem is something many people of all ages deal with. While low self-esteem is not considered a mental health condition itself, the way we think about ourselves directly impacts our mental health and overall well-being.   What is Self-Esteem? Self-esteem refers to the way people feel about themselves. Someone with a healthy or high self-esteem thinks positively...[ read more ]

Dealing With the Unexpected

When facing the unknown, it's hard to stop and regroup. For many of us this can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. So what can we do? Keep it in perspective. Life isn't always fair and you have no control when unexpected things might happen; However, you can control how best to respond when confronted with difficult circumstances. Acknowledge your...[ read more ]

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