

To Improve Your Mental Health Track Your Feelings

If you’re looking to improve your mental health and overall well-being, one of the best things you can do is track how you’re feeling. Not only does this allow you to identify any issues you might be experiencing and set goals for how to resolve them, but it can also help you analyze how you’re progressing toward those goals. Here...[ read more ]

How to Manage Rumination

What is Rumination: Rumination involves repetitively thinking about negative experiences that can be difficult to stop. Some people replay events that occurred in the past while others worry about situations that could potentially occur in the future. Rumination often causes people to feel anxious, stressed, and depressed and makes it difficult for them to think, process their emotions, and sleep....[ read more ]

Creating Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are clear rules and guidelines we establish for ourselves within relationships. Boundaries are essential for helping you grow healthy relationships built on trust and respect. Additionally, setting boundaries is a form of self-care because it helps protect your identity and honor your needs as an individual. So, if you have decided that it’s time to set some boundaries...[ read more ]

The Art of Listening

The art of listening

Have you ever met someone who listens really well? Someone who ‘gets you’ and hears you? Unfortunately, this not always the case. Quite often we find ourselves walking away from a conversation feeling unheard and unimportant. Unfortunately, we can’t force others to be a good listener; However, using the following tools can help you master the art of listening: Be...[ read more ]

Dealing with Family Estrangement

Have you limited your communication and interactions with a family member, or stopped them entirely? If so, you’re not alone. According to statistics published by Psychology Today, over 25% of the U.S. population is currently estranged from a family member, and more than 43% have experienced family estrangement at some point during their lives. In many cases, estrangement is necessary,...[ read more ]

5 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Do you find yourself setting New Year’s resolutions each year, only to forget about them months, weeks, or even days later? If so, you’re not alone. According to statistics published by Forbes magazine the average resolution lasts only 3.74 months. In fact, so many people will abandon their resolutions that the second Friday in January has been declared by many...[ read more ]

How to Build Healthy Relationships

The importance of having positive friendships in your life cannot be overstated. Healthy friendships can help you feel happier and more self-confident, reduce your stress levels, and prevent you from feeling lonely or isolated. When times are good, friends can help you celebrate. And when times are bad, they can help pick you up and provide a kind shoulder to...[ read more ]

A New Season and A New You…

As summer winds down and you prepare to welcome the autumn season, I want you to take a moment to reflect on the months gone by. The transition from one season to the next is the perfect time for self-reflection and renewal. Many of us approach autumn as a time to wind down but I believe it’s the perfect time...[ read more ]

Taming the Inner Critic

Every single human being has two voices battling it out inside their head. The one voice is our champion, encouraging us to feel confident and to reach our fullest potential. Then there’s that other voice. The one that is critical of every move we make. The one that looks at all of our perceived flaws under a microscope and calls...[ read more ]

The Powerful Benefits of Forgiveness

I’m sure we can all agree that we have been hurt by the callous words or actions of another. When this happens, we may find it difficult to forgive him or her. There is a very old saying that says, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” This is a warning to people to not act out in...[ read more ]

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