The Art of Listening


The Art of Listening

The art of listening

Have you ever met someone who listens really well? Someone who ‘gets you’ and hears you? Unfortunately, this not always the case. Quite often we find ourselves walking away from a conversation feeling unheard and unimportant. Unfortunately, we can’t force others to be a good listener; However, using the following tools can help you master the art of listening: Be...[ read more ]

A New Season and A New You…

As summer winds down and you prepare to welcome the autumn season, I want you to take a moment to reflect on the months gone by. The transition from one season to the next is the perfect time for self-reflection and renewal. Many of us approach autumn as a time to wind down but I believe it’s the perfect time...[ read more ]


Wow! Can you believe a year has gone by already? I know 2020 was a down right difficult year but reflecting on one’s past and doing some serious introspective work does the soul good. It helps you be present, mindful and appreciative of the changes in your life. It also gives you a clear, focused idea of who you are today,...[ read more ]

The Power of Story Telling…

Everyone has a story to tell and it consists of experiences, both positive and negative, that shaped us into the people that we are. Your story is unique and is not quite like anyone else’s. It was melded together by events that span across your lifetime. From joy to suffering and pain to triumph and to everything in between these...[ read more ]

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